Sunday, December 14, 2008

Why People Find It Hard To Quit Smoking

By John K Lam

It used to be that smoking was a cool and fashionable thing to do, however now smoking is anything but cool. Unfortunately it's not so easy to quit and although many smokers would love to give it up, the reality is that more is involved than simply deciding not to do it anymore. The reason why people can't quit smoking is that cigarettes contain nicotine which is an addictive substance and once it's in their system, it's very hard to live without it.

The quit-smoking industry gets wealthier every day with people trying to beat their nicotine addiction. These companies, although they have the best of intentions, know how hard it is to quit smoking and so they provide products that can assist. Still, the prices could be lower and governments could consider subsidizing them to make it easier for smokers to kick the habit.

Pharmacies devote whole sections of their stores to products which will aid customers who want to quit smoking. Even some employ few part time consultants who can assist customers in their plight. Other companies offer talk therapy, hypnosis and 12-step programs and all of these can be of benefit to various people.

The fact that trying to quit smoking is an expensive proposition makes it difficult for many. Whilst the cost of cigarettes continues to inflate out of proportion, it's still cheaper to smoke than to try to quit. What smokers need to remember is that once the habit is gone from their lives, they will save a huge amount of money on cigarettes and return to a normal life without the burden of smoking.

Another reason why people can't quit smoking is the social factor. It can be a challenge to not light up when others are unless a person surrounds him or herself with other non-smokers. Attending meeting for coffee, parties and any number of other instances are made more challenging when one's friends or associates smoke. It can be hard to refuse when someone offer a cigarette.

Some countries are becoming strict on public smoking. Many Asian airports now forbid smoking except for in specially designated rooms. In most parts of Australia, it is not possible to smoke in shopping malls, workplaces and even nightclubs, restaurants and bars! Gone are the days of smoking and non-smoking tables in restaurants; the only place to smoke now is in an area outside located beyond ten meters from the dining area.

Measures like these make it easier to quit smoking but ultimately, it's up to the individual to take any steps they can to beat the habit.

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