Thursday, November 26, 2009

Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

  • Don't go to a party hungry: we often eat faster and more when we are hungry - therefore eat a wholesome breakfast and lunch on the day to avoid overeating at the party.

  • Watch your portion: treat yourself a nice drink, dessert, chocolate or sweets without guilt, but always watch your portion. Go for small portions. This way you can sample all the different foods. Moderation is always the key.

  • Make a conscious choice to limit high fat items: high fat food items can be found in fried food, cream-based soup, cheese-filled casseroles, pies, processed meats such as salami and sausages, some pastries and baked goods.

  • Try different versions of egg nog: traditional egg nog is usually made with egg yolk and thick cream. Google "low fat egg nog" and you will find lots of low fat egg nog recipes. If you buy commercial egg nog, you will be delighted to find low-fat or fat-free egg nog out there - we can even find soy nog!

  • Try other versions of alcohol: instead of beer, cider, Bailey's and Kahlua, try dry wine, Bloody Marys or spirits with diet mixer which have fewer calories. Remember: Calories from alcohol tend to be stored in the abdomen. People who are overweight actually gain weight more easily when they consume alcohol.

  • Drink plenty of water: alcohol and coffee can dehydrate your body.

  • Physical activity: take nice brisk walks with your
    loved ones and enjoy their company in the
    holiday season.

Healthy Holiday Eating Tips: Recipe substitutions

If you are the chef of the party, try the following lower-fat recipe substitutions.

Recipe calls for


1 whole egg

2 egg whites

sour cream

low fat plain yogurt or low fat sour cream


skim or 1%

ice cream

frozen yogurt

heavy cream (not for whipping)

2 tablespoons flour whisked into 2 cups non fat milk

whipped cream

chilled evaporated skim milk or other low fat whipped products such as Nutriwhip


low-fat cheese (non-fat cheese does not melt well if use in cooking or baking)

Many other products such as mayonnaise, cheese, cream soup, sour cream have lower-fat versions so experiment with them in your cooking.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Diet Tips: How To Eat Less

Today's installment of the diet plan is a dose of tips I've learned that make it a bit easier to eat less without feeling hungry. So, without further delay, here are my collected tips. Feel free to add your own in the comments.

  1. Eat less. More often. Rather than eating large meals, chop up your eating into smaller portions throughout the day. I found myself eating 3 meals most days and having a snack around 3pm as well as another in the evening. That was enough to keep me from feeling hungry while still eating less in total.
  2. Don't eat right before going to bed. I've read this numerous times and don't get why it works, but it does. I set a limit of 3 hours. So I planned to go to bed at midnight, I wouldn't eat past 9pm.
  3. Brush your teeth early. For whatever reason, I won't eat when my teeth still feel clean. By brushing them several hours before bed, it was easier to accomplish #2.
  4. Kick the sugar habit. If you drink sugared soft drinks (I used to be a Mt. Dew and Coke fan), replace them either with their diet counterparts or water. This can make a very, very big difference.
  5. Eat vegetables before the main course. Whenever possible, I'd make sure to have an ample serving of a vegetable (you get very few calories for the amount you eat) before eating the denser main course--often a meat or fish. You'll need less of the dense stuff to be happy.
  6. Update your spreadsheet daily. Keeping a running count will help you ration out the rest of your daily calorie allowance, which we'll talk about tomorrow.
  7. Get used to leftovers. When you eat out, expect to take some of your meal home. If you eat standard restaurant portions, you'll almost certainly overeat.
  8. Shop with calories in mind. When you're at the grocery store, spends some extra time reading the labels and nutritional information. You'll probably end up changing your shopping habits along the way. You'd be surprised by the how widely the calorie counts in various granola bars varies, for example.
  9. Slow down! When you eat fast, you end up ingesting more food before you body has a chance to figure out that it's satisfied (not full).
  10. Drink more water during the day. This is fairly generic advice, but definitely seems to help.
  11. Trick yourself with gum. Sometimes we eat out of habit or because it just feels good to get some flavor in your mouth and chew for a while. Find yourself some sugar-free chewing gum and use it when the urge strikes.
  12. Reduce the amount of breads, chips, crackers, and salty snacks you eat. A lot of starchy and/or salty food make you want to eat and drink even more. This comes straight out of Atkins diet culture.

There are probably a few things I've forgotten that I'll remember after posting this. If so, I'll add 'em on later. Meanwhile, drop your suggestions below.

Friday, January 16, 2009

All You Need To Know About Herbal Colon Cleansing

By Ann Triune

Herbal colon cleansing is one of the ways to keep the colon healthy which is very important in maintaining overall body health. You can easily determine if you are in need of a colon cleansing by the looks of your stool. One should also have a regular bowel movement which generally takes place between 18 to 24 hours after a meal. If these two conditions are not met, then most likely you are in dire need of colon cleansing because you are at risk for developing serious health risks.

What Is the Colon?

The colon is an important part of the body's digestive system. It also plays part in balancing the body's pH levels and the breaking down of nutrients for proper absorption. Basically all the food and drinks we ingest passes through the colon after passing through the small intestine. All the needed substances from the food re absorbed in the small intestine so what actually passes through the colon is already waste to be discarded. Waste that remains too long in the colon will eventually cause build-up. This build-up is dangerous because it contains harmful toxins that may be absorbed into the body which can lead to medical complications. Build-up can make the colon weight up to ten times its normal weight.

What Is Colon Cleansing?

To colon cleanse means to clean the colon. By cleaning the colon, you get rid of the toxic build up of waste and old fecal matter. This cleaning improves the digestion process which will make the body healthier. A colon cleansing can be done from time to time as part of a detoxification routine to maintain healthy bodily functions and processes.

What Is Herbal Colon Cleansing?

There are many different ways to clean the colon and herbal colon cleansing is just one of them. In this method, herbs are used to cleanse the colon and remove build-up. The herbs used in this method come in different forms. Some are in oral supplements (pills and capsules); some in tea form or in soup form, while others are ingested in their basic form.

What Herbs Can Be Used for Herbal Colon Cleansing?

There are many kinds of herbs that can be used for colon cleansing. Before deciding to use any, make sure that you are not allergic to it. If you have an existing medical condition or are pregnant, it is best that you consult your doctor before performing an herbal colon cleanse to ensure your safety. The herbs you can use are:

Fennel Licorice Root Dandelion Cayenne Pepper Ginseng Ginger Cascara Sagrada Peppermint Parsley Milk Thistle Kale Green Tea Grapefruit Seed Golden Seal Burdock Root Buchu Artichoke Barberry Bark Seaweed Rhubarb Root Red Clover Psyllium Husk Turmeric Spearmint Senna Garlic Black Radish Aloe Vera

What Benefits Can You Get From a Colon Cleansing?

Many benefits can be brought about by colon cleansing. These benefits are not limited to the colon and the digestive system but also expand to other parts of the body.

Increases energy No bloating or the constant feeling of fullness Improves skin Weight loss Reduced Halitosis (bad breath) Reduces headaches Relieves backaches Improves vitamin and nutrient absorption Improves bowel movement

Herbal colon cleansing is an easy thing to do which will help you work your way back to a cleaner and healthier body. Try it and experience the wonderful difference.

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3 Things You Can Do to Reach Your Target Weight Goal

By Darrel S Scott

So you have been losing weight and are closer to your target goal ever day, but still have some areas that could do with toning up and tightening the skin. After all the time and effort you have put in, it can be very discouraging to keep working out without seeing real improvement in those stubborn areas.

You might have been successful in dropping the pounds but still find that you have a love handle around your tummy. Or you may be happy with your abs but still find that your thighs are flabby and full of cellulite.

So is there a way to fix our trouble spots on our body through our exercise routine?

No matter how promising all those miracle creams and pills sound to give you the quick fix to solve those "trouble spots" you will probably find they dont work. Maybe you already found out for yourself. Not to forget about all those miracle exercise machines that want you to believe that 5 minutes a day will make your problem areas disappear.

There are however things you CAN do to fight those tough spots that dont seem to budge.

- Evaluate your diet and stick with healthy foods. Make sure you get the proper nutrients no matter how hard frustration kicks in, you will eventually lose the stored fat as long as you stick with your healthy habits.

Dont cave to your junk food cravings, because if your thighs are the last place you burn fat you can be sure that your thighs are the first place youll gain more fat with every trip through the drive-through.

- Find muscle-specific exercises. Although exercise gadgets dont work, there are specific and effective exercises you can do to tone any part of your body. It may be worth investing in a few private classes with a qualified fitness trainer who can give you muscle specific exercises that you can do on your own.

Unfortunately exercise and diet are not the only factors in determining our body shape. Our genes also play a part in how our bodies are shaped. You may have inherited your grandmas husky thighs just as you inherited her blond hair. But thats not to say that you cant alter heredity by eating the proper foods and finding muscle specific exercises to shave away those extra inherited pounds on those legs.

- Allow yourself enough time. You cant completely change your body in a matter of a few days or even weeks, but you can see some results over time, even in those problem areas. Make sure your goals are realistic without putting a lot of stress on yourself.

It is not impossible, but it takes a long time to reshape your body through exercise. Keep yourself motivated and educate yourself on the most effective muscle specific exercise and you can fix your trouble spots.

Stay clear from magical fixes and fast solutions. Instead learn how to effectively combine both exercise and a healthy diet to get the body you always dreamed of!

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Recommended Natural Diets for People with High Blood Pressure

By Michael Byrd

People having a high blood pressure must have natural diets.

That is, if they desire to live a happy, healthy, and longer life.

The fact is nutrient deficient foods which trigger high blood pressure also triggers other fatal diseases like cancer, heart failure, diabetes and arthritis.

So, let us begin with the fundamentals. Note that the less-processed a food is the healthier it is for you. All most all of the processed food is stripped of nutrition that you need.

Plus, almost all of processed foods are injected with unhealthy ingredients that are proven to be unhealthy for you to consume like preservatives, food coloring, and chemicals.

This is the reason why I follow this eating-formula: Eat whole foods

Because whole foods are naturally packed with nutrients, they are certainly much healthier for you. Aside from this, unprocessed foods taste better than the processed ones.

This means they can help to avoid having a high blood pressure.

So what are these natural diets that are proven to help individuals with high blood pressure? Here is a simple set of ideas for you.

Let us begin with unprocessed whole grains-brown rice, whole wheat and GMO-free soy.

Aside from having a better taste, it also provides important fatty acids and phytosterols. Studies reveal that these vital nutrients can help enhance your cardiovascular system. [American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 80, No. 5, 1159-66]

Yes, that is true; you can lower cholesterol, blood pressure, tryglicerides and LDLs by considering unprocessed grains as alternatives.

This is perhaps an ideal time to discuss the benefits of eating low glycemic foods over high glycemic foods. The former do not elevate your blood sugar as compared to the latter.

When insulin is secreted, it coverts blood sugar into fat and then stores it in your body.

This accumulation of fats and repeated insulin secretion cause damage on your arteries which leads to hardening and increase of blood pressure.

Those effects of this process can be lessened or stopped by the help of glycemic foods.

To add, there are other vitally essential fatty acids that can be found in oily fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies, and herring. These are rich in omega 3 which is proven by a number of clinical studies to be beneficial for your health. This helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart diseases.

Eating more omega 3 fish oil only brings you to good health.

Finally, the increase of the quantity of fresh fruits and vegetables for your consumption brings additional benefits for your health.

Fruits and vegetables give fiber, vitamins, enzymes and minerals.

Necessary vitamins like C complex help to augment the capacity of your arteries to recover from damage and B vitamins lessen your stress. These two can contribute for a positive development for your blood pressure.

Vegetables and fruits must also be included in the diet since it contains phytonutrients, which contain carotenoid, flavonoid, and cruciferous compounds. These antioxidants are special because it helps reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and quite a number of inflammatory problems. The most colorful vegetables and fruits contain more phytonutrients.

So, this is what natural diets can contribute for people with high blood pressure.

It is up to you to take it easy or jump right in. Your blood pressure may just be in your control without you noticing it ? the natural way.

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How to Cure Prolapsed Hemorrhoids

By Heather-Jane Hunter

Prolapsed hemorrhoids are a form of internal hemorrhoids that have fallen down and are poking out of the anal canal. They can often be confused as being external hemorrhoids because they are in fact partially external in nature. Protruding hemorrhoids usually appear as a red lump of inflamed tissue.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids include itching of the anus (mild through to severe), mild to severe bleeding from the anus, being unable to finish emptying your bowels (a constant feeling of not being finished), and the soiling of underpants. Prolapsed hemorrhoids are often not painful at all but if left to develop into a thrombosed fully protruded hemorrhoid they can become very painful indeed.

Hemorrhoids fit into four different categories depending on how severe they are. Prolapsed hemorrhoids range from 2nd degree hemorrhoids through to 4th degree hemorrhoids.

1st Degree: The first category is the least severe form of prolapsed hemorrhoids. This is when the hemorrhoid has not protruded out of the anal canal opening.

2nd Degree: Hemorrhoids are second degree hemorrhoids when they protrude and retract in and out of the anal opening without human intervention.

3rd Degree: Category three prolapsed hemorrhoids protrude from the anus and need to be manually inserted " they will not retract by themselves automatically.

4th Degree: This category of prolapsed hemorrhoids is by far the most serious. The hemorrhoid is not able to be re-inserted into the anus and a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Prolapsed hemorrhoids can be prevented the same say regular hemorrhoids can be prevented. Ensure you have a diet high in fiber, that you perform mild exercise often and that you dirnk plenty of water (to avoid dehydration). Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time and never strain to remove the stool.

The severity of your hemorrhoid will usually determine which type of hemorrhoid cure is most relevant for you. In hemorrhoids ranging from 1st degree through to 3rd degree, natural cures work well in providing quick pain relief and treatment. While they also work for 4th degree hemorrhoids " it is probably in your best interests to seek medical help from your doctor as surgery may be required.

H-Miracle is the most effective natural cure available for hemorrhoids. It has been proven successful in thousands of cases of hemorrhoids with some people claiming massive results in as little as 48 hours.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blueberries, blackberries, acai berries and more

By Mark Goodman

1. Blueberries

You might already be aware of blueberries' high antioxidant content, but surprisingly many people are not. Easy to find at most any grocery store or market, blueberries are one of the easiest and most effective ways to increase your antioxidant intake naturally without pills. The ORAC rating of one cup blueberries is very high at 9019.[1] If you can afford to, eating one cup a day is an excellent way to supplement your diet.

2. Blackberries

Blackberries are also quite common, though they can be slightly harder to find than blueberries. Typically you will find blackberries in a mix of other berries such as blueberries and raspberries. Their ORAC rating is slightly lower than that of blueberries at 7701 per one cup serving.[1]

3. Cherries

With an ORAC value listed at 4873[1] per cup, cherries are high on the list of antioxidant-rich berries. As the favorite berry of many, there is no mistaking their sweet taste, but knowing how beneficial they are for your health should provide even more incentive to grab a bunch next time you're at the grocery.

4. Wolfberries

Wolfberries, also known as goji berries are relatively unknown in North America, but the opposite is the case in China. The Chinese have been eating wolfberries for centuries. They have probably realized the health benefits of wolfberries longer than North Americans have known how good blueberries taste. While it's hard to track down an ORAC rating for wolfberries which hasn't been skewed by commercial interests, it's probably safe to assume the value is somewhere near or slightly greater than that of blueberries.

5. Acai berries

Made popular recently by Oprah and internet marketers everywhere, acai is another berry which is high in antioxidants. As with wolfberries, to ORAC value of acai berries has not been confirmed by an independent study, it would probably be safe to assume their antioxidant value lies somewhere equal to or above that of blueberries. They do taste good and the juice has a semi-sweet flavor which even tastes like it's good for you. Considering how long they have been cultivated an eaten in South America, they must have some merit besides flavor.

6. Noni berries

More commonly known as Indian mulberries in their native region, noni berries are similar to acai and wolberries in the way they have been marketed as health and diet supplements. Sponsored studies have determined the ORAC rating to be leagues ahead of blueberries, blackberries and cherries, but an independent study determined their antioxidant value to be even less than that of oranges.[2]

The ORAC rating of a fruit is not the only value you should consider when determining its nutritional value. There are many more factors to take into account such as anti-inflammatory xanthone and flavonoid content. A wise choice would be to alternate consumption of several different fruits to receive the unique benefits of each.


1. Nutrient Data Laboratory, Agriculture Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) of Selected Foods - 2007.

2. Nutrient composition of the blended Noni Juice, a PDF file located on-line at

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Cold Sore Facts - Dealing With Constant Cold Sores

By Denny Bodoh

If you are curious about cold sores, this article should answer a lot of your questions. We have learned so much about cold sores in recent years. Read this article and arm yourself with the facts about these unsightly blisters.


Cold sores come at the most inconvenient times. Painful and ugly, cold sores really hurt your social life.

Whether you call them cold sores, fever blisters or oral herpes, they are all the same infection. Cold sores can appear anywhere the virus can get through your skin. The lip area is usually the first infection site.

Herpes simplex virus, either type 1 or type 2, produces all cold sores. It is a very damaging virus, as you will see.

When the herpes virus first enters your body, it will claim a nearby nerve fiber as its lifetime home. All cold sores produced by this virus family will be at the surface end of that nerve fiber.


The herpes virus is normally dormant in the root cells of its chosen nerve. If the conditions become right, this viral family will move to the surface, through the nerve, and enter thousands of cells.

The herpes virus is not able to create new virus by itself. It needs your nerve cells to do the work. When a herpes virus particle enters a cell, it forces the cell to create new virus - as a true parasite.

As the cells fill up they balloon causing visible swelling of the cold sore site. The control virus will destroy the cell when it is full or exhausted. This will spill out hoards of new herpes virus.

The explosion of all these cells is the cause of the gaping open wound we call a cold sore. They are very painful because the sore is located on the end of a nerve group.


The herpes simplex virus is a tiny, sub-microscopic particle. It enters the body through contact with your soft tissue - like lips. If you have a skin crack, it will enter there too. You are very contagious during the entire event.

Kissing is the most common way to infect others. Contaminated fingers can cause new cold sore sites on you and others too. Please be very cautious. Sterilize the wound and your hands constantly.

With contaminated fingers, you can spread cold sores to any place on your body. People get these sores on fingers, necks and cheeks if the virus can get through a crack or other sore. These are usually more painful.

Be especially careful not to infect your eyes. A cold sore on the cornea will cause serious injury.

The herpes simplex virus infects nearly 90% of the world population because it is so tough and contagious. You usually contract it in your youth. About 70% of those infected will get one or more outbreaks per year.


Stress is the most common reason that the herpes virus becomes active. Under stress, your hormones change, causing an acid pH balance. The herpes simplex virus does very well when your body is in an acid state.

Your body needs no help from you to heal oral herpes cold sores. But it is a slow process, often taking up to four weeks. You can cut this healing time in half with a good cold sore treatment.

Your best bet for effective cold sore treatment is still by using natural remedies. They usually work better than prescription and over-the-counter options.

Some of the best cold sore treatment tactics include lysine, garlic oil and zinc. Although lysine and zinc work best internally (supplements), all three can be used topically as well.

Any cold sore care plan should always include continuous cleansing using hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or wine soaked cotton balls or tissues.

Oral herpes cold sores definitely put your social and private life on hold. Hopefully, with the information above, you are now better able to cope with those cold sore attacks.

You need to try different cold sore treatment methods to discover the best one for you. Then you too can be cold sore free for the rest of your life.

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Does the Cookie Diet Actually Work?

By Ana Dupuis

The cookie diet may take the cake as the world's worst ever fad diet. In essence this diet claims that amino acids baked into cookies can control hunger.

It's been more than 30 years since the cookie diet arrived on the scene. Perhaps you've never heard of it. And even if you have, you might be wondering if such a strange weight loss plan can actually work.

Fad diets are intended to help people lose a great deal of weight in a short period of time - they're popular because the weight loss tips they propose appear to be miraculous. Most fad diets center on some super weight loss food, much like the cookie diet centers on the cookie. These diets rely on slick pitches that make it seem silly not to buy and try the diet.

Sanford Siegel created the cookie diet in 1975 while he was doing research for a nutrition book. To maintain the cookie diet people would eat six cookies a day, plus a regular dinner. All told the daily caloric intake was about 800 calories. The cookie diet exploded to 24 clinics around the world. By the 80's 200 doctors were pushing the cookie diet. The diet was quickly expanded to miracle soups and shakes that also contained the amino acids.

Later Hollywood grabbed the cookie diet. Stars and starlets made their use of the diet well known, which helped vault it to public attention.Like the original cookie diet this Hollywood version replaced breakfast and lunch with cookies, then allowed a reasonable dinner.These cookies each contain 150 calories and fiber, protein and minerals.

Don't waste time with the cookie diet. Remember that good health comes from a balanced diet and an exercise program.In general this is a much healthier way to lose or maintain weight than relying on some fly by night miracle food, even if it is endorsed by someone you recognize from a movie.

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Fibre Supplements

By Donny Yu

Fiber is one of those "magic" substances that has gotten a lot of attention in the world of weight loss marketing in the last few years. The promotional material of a "high fiber" diet has become a byword for a diet that is healthy and, by association, one that is slender. Fiber in your diet is also normally connected with prevention of cancer due to the positive effects of fibre on the lower intestines and colon. So one of the ways you can measure many products, especially breads and cereals is by its fiber content.

It only makes sense then that there would be a rise in interest in diet supplements that dramatically increase the level of fiber in your system. There is no question that a healthy level of fiber in the diet is good for your digestive system. And if your digestive system is working well, that is one of many components of good health, which leads to a healthy weight as well. It should go without saying that just increasing fiber in the diet will not automatically result in weight loss. It is just one good step toward general good health. You must still maintain an overall healthy approach to diet and exercise to see weight loss that can accompany all the good you are doing for your digestive system by increasing the fiber content of your daily diet intake.

The first thing to determine if you feel you want to use supplements to increase the fiber in your dieting is to get a measurement of how much fibre your diet commonly delivers to your body naturally each day. This calls for maintaining some records of foods you usually eat that pull in your fibre count. The general level of fibre consumption that is considered healthy for most people is 25-30 grams of fiber a day. If you are striking that level, supplements are likely not necessary. But if supplements can help you attain your fiber goals, there are sure enough abundant.

Fiber supplements come in just about any form you would need or to fit your lifestyle. They come as a powder that can be mixed with juice with your breakfast in the morning. Fiber add-on pills are good for when you are on the run. There are even cookies or wafers that are fundamentally a supplement for your fiber content that can also serve as a snack to help keep your appetite under control.

The important thing to remember is that these supplements should not take the place of food. You can always increase the fiber content of your diet by simply increasing the level of high fiber certain fruits and vegetables that will accomplish the same goals as the supplements but do so while giving you good food value too. And real foods are cheaper than supplements so it is worth considering just improving your diet anytime you have an option rather than turn to a diet supplement.

About the Author:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Best Diet Pill Fat Burner Weightloss Reviews For 2009

By Rachel Reviews

I've done extensive research for 9 months and this is the list my results showed. The top most safe and effective weightloss and diet pills on the market. (See The Newly Released Fat Burn FDA Approved Diet Pills In Links Below)

Myoffeine is the ONLY formula on our list of diet pills that is designed specifically for men. It's a "Hardcore" diet pill and Testosterone Booster in 1 product. Myoffeine contains a large dose of Caffeine Anhydrous USP which you can definately feel along with Ephedra's "chemical cousin" Synephrine.

Those are the two major weight loss ingredients in the formula. It also contains several Testosterone Boosting ingredients like Tribulus Terrestris and muscle builders like L-Glutamine and L-Arginine.

Myoffeine is actually one of the more powerful diet pills we've reviewed, but due to safety issues and steroid like products getting a lot of negative press lately, its overall rating has dropped significantly. Myoffeine users get very lean fast and build rock hard muscles simultaneously. Myoffeine is 100% ephedra free. Rachel

2. Ephedrasil Hardcore is by far the most effective diet pill and "Feel Good Pill" legally available today. **Ephedrasil Hardcore is 100% Ephedra-Free. It's the only product reviewed that received a 100/100 on weight loss potential. If You want to lose weight quickly and feel like a million dollars Ephedrasil Hardcore is a weight loss pill well worth the money.

It would have been our #1 rated on our list of diet pills if it had not been for its low safety rating (76/100). Having thoroughly reviewed Ephedrasil Hardcore, it has been found to contain no traces of any illegal or banned substances. Ephedrasil Hardcore does however give users a feeling of a "Natural High" which helps suppress ones appetite and overall feeling of well being. Their are rumors that Ephedrasil Hardcore will soon be taken off the market so finding bottles in the U.S. is rare. Rachel

#3 was Lipitor 1. Lipovox was developed accidentally by a Hawaiian college student while watching the Oprah Whinfrey show on "How to look 10 Years Younger in 10 Days." She went on a special diet eating 10 "SuperFoods" recommended by renowned Dermatologist Dr. Perricone daily to lose her "Surfing Wrinkles." To her surprise she didn't lose the wrinkles but she lost 11 Pounds in 10 days and her Acne vanished.

It was difficult for her to eat the 10 foods daily so she decided to supplement with 10 Highly Concentrated Extracts and her results were identical to the whole foods. Lipovox Diet Pill is now not only all the rave in the weight loss world but also by athletes, actresses, and celebrities wanting perfect skin. All ten "SuperFoods" are contained in highly concentrated extracts plus 3 additional Antioxidants recommended by Rachel

(See The Newly Released Fat Burn FDA Approved Diet Pills In Links Below)

About the Author:

Zrii Health Benefits Can Benefit You

By Lee Scott

Have you heard about Zrii and wondered what it actually is? The definition of Zrii is light, luster, prosperity and splendor--all of which can also be used to describe the supplemental nutritional drinks made by Zrii.

Zrii is the first company in the history of networking marketing that had such a massive buzz, momentum, sales and overall excitement as Zrii did in the first two months. This is very uncommon and proves success of Zrii.

To find out if becoming and independent Zrii distributor is right for you make an appointment with Zrii to discuss Zrii news and opportunities.

The Zrii ingredients other than Amalaki are ginger, turmeric, schizandra, haritaki, jujube, and tulsi or holy basil. So this impressive list of Zrii ingredients definately will help you regain your help and unlock the doc from within your body.

The main zrii ingredients are amalaki and tulsi. Some of the other less common zrii ingredients are turmeric, jujube, haritaki, ginger and amla.

Current scientific and medical research shows that the nutritional benefits of Zrii are many.

Zrii is a gift of nature, with benefits too important to ignore and too essential to keep to ourselves. This immediate reward creates a strong incentive for you to personally train your new enrollees, and to show them how to build a successful Zrii business of their own.

8 With such positive zrii news, now is a great time to get involved with zrii and become an independent seller. Contact another independent seller to understand the benefits of selling zrii.

About the Author:

The Easy Colon Cancer Symptoms Guide

By Jenni Snook

In order to treat this disease successfully, you must be aware of the various types of colon cancer symptoms. For those who don't know what a colon is, it is an organ of the body that is about 4 feet long in size. It also has the form of a tube and is pretty muscular. You can find the colon at the conclusion of the small intestines. In fact, the colon goes all the way to the anus. Cancer in the colon can have serious consequences on the health of a human being. This article will explain what important symptoms will appear if you should ever experience problems with your colon.

What The Colon Does

While the colon performs various roles, medical experts have come to an agreement that it performs 3 main roles. They are:

1. The colon draws out all the nutrients from the food devoured, and following that it begins digesting the food fittingly.

2. It's a crucial organ when it comes to making the fecal matter that is obliterated from the body by engulfing the electrolytes from the food that come through this area.

3. Every time we eat something, the body stashes away and then eradicates fecal matter from the body and the colon has a vital role in this entire process.

How Does Colon Cancer Come About?

There are a couple of potential elements that could be involved when it comes to causing colon cancer. "Abnormal" group of cells found in the region of the glands of the big intestines are traditionally the main culprits of this cancer. It is typical to refer to these as "adenomatous polyps". These are represented as growths that normally exhibit a large side. There is only one time when their size is reduced and that's during degeneration. Colon cancer commonly occurs before reaching the age of 40. Nevertheless, you must understand that the cancer can take place independent of age. Many people also develop cancer of the large intestines when they have the susceptibility in their genes.

List of Colon Cancer Symptoms

The following is an explanation of the symptoms demonstrating the presence of colon cancer:

1. Experiencing bleeding from the rectal zone of your body is a very common symptom of colon cancer.

2. You may be surprised to find out that anemia, which refers to low iron levels in the blood, is largely related to the presence of colon cancer. People may be suffering from cancer of the intestines if their skin is pale and if they regularly experience fatigue.

3. If vomiting takes place without any known cause or if nausea is experienced regularly.

4. Many people have said that after bowel movement, feeling that have yet to "finish" could be a symptom.

5. A significant drop in weight without any obvious cause is linked to the cancer. Furthermore, many find that their abdomen swells up as they drop in weight.

The symptoms listed above are the most common symptoms related to colon cancer. If you suspect that you have some of these colon cancer symptoms, you should consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Bob Greene's Best Life Diet Plan

By Matt Hellstrom

When I first saw the Bob Greene Best Life diet plan, it seemed upside down to me. You see, on my diet plan travels I always had to start out from ground zero and then work back towards normalcy which meant keeping the new slim me for the rest of my life. Then I really analyzed the Bob Greene diet and thought, hmmm....maybe I am upside down. I mean if my diets worked, why did I have to diet?

The more I thought through Bob Greene's diet, the more it started making sense. Statistics have shown that people fail in their diets because too much change too fast is a recipe for failure. So it dawned on me that if you start slowly, see success, it will foster a desire to continue to see more success. Plus when you start getting healthy, a bonus is that your attitude follows and it drives you too towards establishing a healthy lifestyle.

Bob Greene's diet philosophy is 'losing weight the right way - so you shed pounds and keep them off - takes time'. Using this thinking, this plan is set up for gradual but significant changes. Starting with simple things like having a good breakfast everyday and getting up and about, you will start seeing the changes you desire immediately. And long term, this adds up to starting and continuing a healthy, happy way of life.

Many of us are used to diets where you can easily become discouraged and stop only to feel guilty and start again. Not this one, though, because you build into healthy eating habits in such a way that it becomes a way of life. And this is really a best life diet plan because you can enjoy the comfort of food while not worrying about losing the great shape you have earned.

Bob Greene's diet is three simple to follow phases, each set up to last for about 4 weeks. Phase 1 is preparation for weight loss by implementing steps that rev up your metabolism with eating 3 regular meals and a snack and start exercising. Phase 2 starts by knocking out 6 bad foods and managing your meals based on a Hunger scale. Phase 3 is arriving at a way of life that will be simple to continue - your way. Building up to this Phase gives you the foundation you need for being healthy lifelong.

If I must pick out one area that could use some work, it would be the lack of recommendations on portion sizes. This is in the top 3 of importance in keeping the weight off. It is offset, however, by the fact that your activity level is at an all time high. This will be the great equalizer in that it keeps your metabolism working full steam.

All in all - Bob Greene's Best Life Diet is a homerun. The only way you can have a long healthy, happy life is to eat well and keep the body moving. This diet plan gives you the straightforward truth that will allow you to achieve success.

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

10 Simple Holiday Eating Tips That Will Keep You Fit and Trim

By Dorthy Weatherbush

Much like the Christmas tree and the jingle bells, holiday parties are as much a part of this time of year as Santa Claus and reindeer. Although many people use this as an excuse to over indulge themselves, it doesn't have to be that way for you. Get ready, because you're about to discover the 10 best ways to eat during this holiday and actually loose weight.

10) If you are planning on eating a few foods that may not be on the health menu at your local fitness club, you may think about drinking a glass of water before you eat. Being properly hydrated will immediately cut your appetite in half and boost your energy levels.

9) Eat before you go! When attending the many holiday dinners and parties take the time to eat a healthy snack. When you do not go hungry, you will be less likely to over indulge.

8) Eat smaller portions. Rather than going through the buffet line with a normal plate, why not take a moment and grab one of the smaller cake plates. The reduction in plate size will limit how much you can pile on and will still allow you to enjoy without feeling bloated and heavy.

7) Eat when you should eat. Try not to skip a meal thinking you are getting your stomach ready for a big meal later. This is probably the worst thing to do. Big meals late a night tend to stay with you for months and years to come long after the smooth taste has left.

6) Try something new for the holidays. Instead of making tons of pies and candies, look up some healthy alternatives. Choose a healthy exotic treat of fresh fruits instead.

5) Add more physical activity to your holiday routine. Parties and dinners are fun events during this time of the year but when you can add some ice-skating, sledding, or a walk with friends to the mix.

4) Keep up the good work. If you are like most people, you will use the free time you have during this time of year to rest and cut back when in reality that is the worst thing you could do. Don't be guilty of abandoning your workout routine for a life of leisure.

3) Take a strategy to dinner with you and not just an appetite. It is not too reasonable to believe that you can attend these holiday gatherings and not eat anything you like. With that in mind, why not develop a strategy beforehand of exactly what you will eat and how much of it you'll eat. As an example, if fruit cake is your adversary, why not have a piece but turn down the pumpkin pie.

2) Add resistance training to your day. We all know that muscle helps you burn more fat calories but many of us have not added a weight training routine to our healthy lifestyles. Now don't run out and get a fancy gym membership this year, but you can start doing a little extra. As an example, rather than getting the grocery store clerk to help you to your car with your 15 pound turkey, you might consider taking on that task yourself.

1) Take time for you to relax and meditate. This is the time that depression is at a high. Depression can lead to overeating and then more depression. Beat the blues this year by relaxing and not letting worry and frustration overtake you.

These are the top ten holiday eating tips that will help you burn more calories. Take a few or all of them and put them to work in your life this holiday season. Who knows maybe you will not need that New Year's resolution to lose weight after all.

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Master Cleanse: Flushing Toxins in 10 Days

By Linda Riley

With the modern lifestyle which we live with today, we are actually eating a load of toxic chemicals without realizing it. Nowadays even the air we breathe in is not healthy with the amount of pollution is going on with around our environment. Just like anything else, if you keep putting stress on your body, sooner or later it will break down. As we slowly poison ourselves our internal organs like the kidney, liver will slowly become more and more inefficient in removing other toxins in our body. What this will lead too is aching joint, obesity, constant fatigue and a whole host of other health related problems.

To improve or prevent health related problems in the future, you need the master cleanse diet. Master cleanse diet involves removing the toxins in your body. These allow you to shed those extra pounds and feel more energized. Reason behind why Master Cleanse diet is so popular is because it detoxifies your body. Most importantly, its many health related benefits is achieved all without the use of drugs.

Many reports also had surfaced that with the use of the master cleanse diet, things people used to shallow as child was also discharged from the body when the detoxification process initiated by the master cleanse diet begins. The main reason why toxic accumulated inside our body is because of the body inability to digest what we shallow. So when these undigested matter build ups inside our body, they become a place for bacteria to breed. Without removing these waste products from our body, we will poison ourselves more and more each day. This why we need to flush ourselves with the master cleanse diet.

Some of the food that we eat that will contribute to the harmful waste include artificial sweetener, fast food and processed food. Our body is unable to break down or digest these artificial stuff. However, with master cleanse diet, all these harmful waste can be purged out from our body. Furthermore, you do not need to undergo master cleanse diet every single day. All our body needs is that we flush it cleans of toxins a few times in a year with the master cleanse diet.

The master cleanse diet helps improve some health related problems like obesity, indigestion, arthritis and aching joints. If you are tired of these illness plaguing your life, do give master cleanse diet a try. Master cleanse diet consists of many vital vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Go through the master cleanse diet once every 60 days and you can see the significant changes to your health and life.

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Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis

By Amy Cheung

In some cases, for a person with chronic bronchitis, the physical manifestations will rapidly become worse without warning. This is known as an acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, otherwise known as AECB. Many people that pass away from a chronic form of bronchitis does so while experiencing an incident of AECB, so an individual suffering from sudden AECB needs medical care immediately to maximize his/her chances of surviving the attack.

What Occurs During AECB?

Throughout an AECB, the by now narrower-than-normal air passageways in one's lungs become even thinner, and an increased amount of more profuse mucous is secreted. The condition will cause respiration to be particularly difficult. This may be accompanied by a slight fever, chills, and a sense of weakness in the knees. If the abrupt occurrence of acute exacerbation is due to infectious bacteria, the liquid expelled during expectoration may be spotted with blood, or tinged with a brighter than regular green or yellow. If the person is experiencing fever, and has found blood in his/her mucus, there is a likelihood the physician will order a chest x-ray to make sure that pneumonia is not the underlying cause of the symptoms.

What Are the Known Triggers of AECB?

Cases of AECB are usually triggered by a combination of the following:

-Bacterial or viral infections (e.g. cold, flu)

-Air pollutants that irritate the lungs (e.g. smoke, fumes, dust)

-Changes in weather

To protect oneself from AECB, a chronic bronchitic is counseled to avoid places with severe air pollution, to seek flu and pneumonia injections, as well as to keep a healthy diet to protect one's immune system against infectious agents.

If you are stricken with AECB, you must pursue medical treatment at once. This condition has been observed to trigger other conditions, as well as numerous cases are admitted to the hospital annually for AECB complications. If you are stricken by AECB, try to avoid panicking. Breathe as steadily as possible, and levelheadedly phone a doctor or physician for advice . Since this condition can come abruptly without warning, it is imperative to keep any inhalants prescribed by your doctor within reach in emergency situations. Remember to ask your physician, and ensure that such inhalants are okay to inhale during an attack of AECB, to avoid any problems. You may benefit from lying down with a humidifier turned on, or jumping in a warm shower to help you breath and decrease the problems of AECB.

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety - Things To look Out For

By Jason H. Lee

It may come as a surprise to find out that anxiety can cause many physical reactions. People often mistakenly believe that anxiety is an exclusively emotional experience. However, in truth, it can cause very unpleasant and upsetting physical symptoms. These symptoms can be highly distressing and can exacerbate or foster emotional anxiety in a person.

Anxiety can have physical symptoms which generally fall into one of two categories. these are symptoms that occur in a physical manner before they occur mentally (or instead of any mental symptoms at all), or physical symptoms that arise after a person has become emotionally anxious.

Most people can easily understand physical symptoms of anxiety when one becomes anxious emotionally because the majority of us have experienced these symptoms personally at one time or another. One of the most common fears we humans have is fear of speaking in public. Even professional speakers will tell you about strong physical symptoms of anxiety when confronted with getting before an audience.

People can be taught to recognize the physical symptoms of anxiety by thinking of the example of the anxiety they may feel when speaking to an audience. Anxiety will follow a predictable pattern of nervousness, which increases in intensity as the stressful situation is encountered.

Physical symptoms of anxiety can occur without emotional reactions. For example, in a stressful situation a person suffering an anxiety attack might have chest pains. The emergency room staff may not be able to diagnose the source of the chest pains if anxiety is the only cause, which can increase the stress and worsen the physical symptoms of anxiety as the patient is still very worried about having chest pain at all. The emergency room doctor conducts a full examination and rule out cardiovascular or other physical problems as the cause of the chest pain. Upon interviewing the patient, it is determined that the patient is working a high-stress job and experiencing personal difficulties that contributed the anxiety attack.

Even though the patient does not feel that the challenges he is currently facing in his life are causing him to feel anxious, his body is exhibiting a physical symptom of anxiety instead of an emotional one. The chest pains are his body's direct reaction to the stress that he is experiencing. Tightness in the chest or chest pain, shortness of breath, shakiness and unsteadiness in the legs, increased heart rate, and digestive distress like vomiting or nausea are some of the physical symptoms of anxiety.

You do not have to fear that anxiety will take control of your life. There a several effective ways to control anxiety and lead a normal life. Indeed, medication is not the only option to alleviate the physical symptoms of anxiety. There are techniques that can be learned and even natural remedies to dealing with anxiety attacks. Talk to your doctor about your options so that you can choose what is right for you.

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Chronic Yeast Infections Can Be prevented

By Jennifer King

Chronic Candida infections can be a very irritating nightmare for a small percentage of adults. Despite the large choice of over the counter and prescription anti yeast medicines at your disposal, Candida infections can be tricky conditions to overcome, and quite often return without any warning.

Home cures are usually enough to take on any infrequent Candida infections, but in the case of chronic Candida infections they're more effectively best teamed up with certain medicines.

You need to be apprehensive when self-treating, as with some substances - even ones that appear relatively harmless - side-effects can happen when taken along the side of other medications. Also, some remedies work extremely well for some people, but can create an allergic reaction, or otherwise adverse effect in other adults.

In the instances where someone might be thinking about mixing different remedies to cure cases of normal or recurrent Candida infections, a medical practitioner should first be consulted. And a list of the variety of cures should be kept, as this can assist, if at all, that they suffer from an adverse reaction to any of the medications.

Chronic Candida infections happen for a number of reasons. One major reason is a suppressed immune system, such as with adults suffering from AIDS or HIV. If you're suffering from recurring Candida infections, it's best that you speak with your doctor to rule out the probability of any contributing factors of a more serious nature.

Having said this, a suppressed immune system is far from the most common reason of chronic Candida infections. Antibiotics are another common reason - a simple, run-of-the-mill course of antibiotics has the ability to easily wipe out every bacteria in your body, which is a prime place for the rapid growth of Candida-infection fungus.

If you're going to be taking a course of antibiotics, it's best to take precautionary measures to strengthen the 'beneficial' bacteria in your body, for example eating plenty of sugar free, natural, live yogurt (which comprises of live acidophilus bacteria cultures) and garlic, which stimulates your immune system and regulates the endocrine system (which is responsible for hormone distribution and supervision).

Another circumstance for recurrent yeast infections could be stress, and an improper diet. Stress is an excellent inhibitor and imbalancer of everyday bodily functions even though a lot of adults might not be appreciative of this. And when this is coupled with a steady diet containing all the "unwholesome" foods, conditions for recurrent yeast infections to occur are ripe.

Another frequent cause of recurrent yeast infections in women is the consistent use of 'feminine products' which contain flavorings, colors and scents. Even using soap to wash yourself is sometimes enough to spark off a Candida infection; consistent use may cause recurrent yeast infections. Stay away from douches, elaborate female washes, genital deodorants, and other chemical-based products. It's easy, just plain tap water is adequate enough to clean your intimate areas with as the vagina is self-cleaning.

The only way to truly stop recurrent yeast infections is to take a good look at your way of living, and to make the necessary changes to reflect a less stressful and healthier one, where Candida infections are least likely to occur.

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Alcoholism: A Disease that Affects the Entire Family

By Ed Philips

Alcoholism involves every member of the family; how else do you explain the fact that children who come into Alateen rooms generally report that they have more problems dealing with the non-drinking parent than they do the alcoholic.

What? I don't have a problem! He... him... he's the alcoholic! He's the one who is in trouble all the time! He's the one who causes all the problems...

True, but he's also predictable. Kids can read the alcoholic like a book. They know exactly when it's the right time to ask for extra money, or to go somewhere with their friends, and also know when it's time to make themselves scarce and get out of the way. They know the routine as far as the alcoholic is concerned. But they never know where the bedraggled non-drinking parent is coming from next.

One minute the non-drinking parent is screaming at the alcoholic and the next minute she may be compassionately rescuing him from the consequences of his latest episode, i.e. dutifully cleaning up his messes, making excuses for him and accepting an increasing degree of unacceptable behavior.

The truth is the disease of alcoholism has affected her life, her attitude and her thinking perhaps more dramatically than it has the drinking spouse and she may not even realize it. Why? Because it crept up on her slowly.

Frog In The Water A few years back, there was a story going around the 12-step rooms about a frog in the water. It goes like this:

If you put a frog into a pan of boiling water, it will jump out faster than the eye can see. But if you put the frog into a pan of water that is the frog's body temperature and then slowly turn up the heat the frog will stay in the water -- even to the point of boiling alive. Why? Because the frog does not notice the gradual change in temperature.

Alcoholism works the same way... the heat is slowly and continuously turned up but nobody notices the temperature change. Cunning and baffling! It's an ongoing, insidious disease. It normally begins with the casual acceptance of what would otherwise be considered unacceptable behavior. As time passes the behavior slowly grows more and more unbearable, but it is still being accepted and soon becomes the "norm."

She ends up with chaos in her own home that a few short years ago would have been unthinkable. If she looked out the window and saw the same kind of things taking place across the street at the neighbor's house, she would probably pick up the phone and call 9-1-1 to get those people some help!

An Insidious Disease As the behavior becomes routine, the last thing that occurs to us is to pick up the telephone and get help. We are slowly drawn into the thinking that the alcoholic should be protected. We learn to cover for him, lie for him and hide the truth. We learn to keep secrets, no matter how bad the chaos and insanity all around us has become.

Few recognize that by "protecting" the alcoholic with lies and deceptions to the outside world we are, in fact, enabling him and creating a situation that makes it easier for him to continue in his downward spiral. Rather than help the alcoholic we actually enable him to get worse.

The heat has increased so slowly, over such an extended period of time, nobody understood that the water was beginning to boil and it was time to jump out of the pan.

The disease will continue to progress for the alcoholic until he is ready to reach out and get help for himself. Waiting for that to happen is not her only choice.

Other family members can begin to recover whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not. But it can't happen until somebody picks up the telephone and asks for help. There is hope and help out there.

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Friday, January 2, 2009

Craving Alcohol

By Ed Philips

Many issues lie behind alcohol cravings and they involve a long process over time. For many this time line begins at an early age such as our teens. We are told that alcohol is bad and even the law does not allow anyone under the age of 21 to make an alcohol purchase. For many of our teens and young adults under 21, this only serves to make alcohol seem more attractive and even "cool" to try to obtain and drink.

This can lead to turning to a bottle of alcohol at a later point in order to "fit in" with peers or in a social situation. As the addiction grows, they turn to booze to feel better or to escape their troubles. Since alcohol can at least temporarily make them feel better about themselves or a situation, not only their body but their mind begins to crave it.

Consuming alcohol on a regular basis also becomes a habit after a while, just like driving down a familiar road. If there is a problem, or a social setting that calls for alcohol, you may be grabbing that bottle of beer or glass of wine without even thinking about it.

Once drinking reaches the point of being almost second nature, the dependency has begun. Your body becomes accustomed to the levels of alcohol in the blood stream and will react if that level drops with withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can be wide ranging from mild to very severe.

Alcohol can be extremely dangerous to your health and wellbeing. The most familiar disease related with alcohol addiction is liver cirrhosis, in which liver cells die and the tissues harden as a result of drinking. Cirrhosis is not however the only danger to your body.

Drinking can also bring about heart disease, stroke, dementia and brain damage, cancer (including liver cancer, colon cancer and breast cancer in women). Once you factor in the risks involved with drinking and driving, alcohol is a top killer among our society today.

Should you find yourself wanting that occasional glass of beer or wine, make smart choices. Make sure that you recognize the craving as to not let it develop to anything serious and make a conscious choice to limit yourself to only one glass, or skip it at all. Don't let your cravings or emotions cloud your judgment.

If it is that you believe you are addicted to alcohol and are unable to say no to your cravings, please seek professional help, the sooner the better. Alcohol dependency is very serious and the earlier you seek intervention, the easier it will be to break the addiction and take control over your alcohol cravings.

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Chlamydia 5 minute guide Chlamydia Quick guide

By Andrew Sutton

The most common STI in the country, as well as the one which many people do not know enough about, is chlamydia.

Chlamydia can affect anyone who is sexually active, as it can be spread through any kind of sexual act. Consequently, it is the most pervasive STD in Great Britain, and many sufferers are unaware that they been infected by it.

Chlamydia carries symptoms such as causing a burning senstaion during urination, pain in the abdomen and lower back, as well as irregular discharge from the genitals.

Problems of chlamydia are most serious in the long-term, possibly causing sufferers to become infertile, and damaging their health.

There is also an increased risk among females of catching HIV if you have contracted chlamydia.

If you think you have contracted chlamydia, which is sometimes wrongly spelt as clamidia or clamydia, you can go to your doctor for a simple swab test or urine sample which will be sent away and tested for infection with chlamydia (clamidia / clamydia). Your doctor can also provide you with STD facts to help you prevent any other infections contracted through sexual activity.

If you think you have contracted chlamydia, which is sometimes wrongly spelt as clamidia or clamydia, you can go to your doctor for a simple swab test or urine sample which will be sent away and tested for infection with chlamydia (clamidia / clamydia). Your doctor can also provide you with STD facts to help you prevent any other infections contracted through sexual activity.

In order to prevent yourself from catching chlamydia, it is essential that you use a condom, and that you become aware of all the information available to you, so that if you do contract it, you will know the course of action to take.

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Causes and Cures For Depression

By Linda Kacen

Depression takes many different forms. Even though many Americans suffer from depression, they don't know it or if they do, they won't admit it even to themselves.

Depression afflicts about 14 million Americans. |It is also estimated that less than a third of those affected will ever seek treatment|Fewer than 4.7 million of those, about 1/3, will seek checkup help|Unfortunately only a very small percent, less than 1/3, will go for treatment. What are the reasons? Perhaps it is because clinical depression is classified as a mental illness. That label is one people tend to avoid.

It wasn't that long ago that society shunned those unfortunate enough to be categorized with mental illness. In many cases those with slight signs of depression were locked away in state institutions for the mentally ill. Times have changed now, thank goodness. But what hasn't changed are old stereotypes. This influences many Americans to keep their illness to themselves.

Many factors contribute to depression. Diagnosis isn't simple. Many things have to be considered such as genetics, biology and even outside influences. Depression can stem from drug or alcohol abuse, or even from simple everyday stress. These elements and more can lead to depression.

So what are some of the treatments and cures available for those that are inflicted? There are many options for treatment and even cure, just as there are many causes for depression.

These options are generally considered after evaluating the individual afflicted with depression

There are many supposed cures for depression. Methods of treatment that are safe and that work to cure depression do exist.

Here are some of the factors considered when these options are examined. Has the method being considered been clinically proven to be effective in the treatment of depression?

Does it have an appropriate dose to be effective if a drug or herb? Have high quality control standards been used when accepting the method? Let's examine some of the more popular cures.

For years the typical treatment for many forms of depression has been prescription drugs and psychotherapy. SSRI, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, are prescribed to treat depression.

One of the most popular, Prozac, was first used in the United States in 1988. Many others such as Paxil, Zoloft, Lexapro, Celexa, and Luvox have followed it. All have been proven to be effective. But side effects are common, including causing more depression.

Becoming more common are natural treatments. St Johns Wort extract is one herbal cure gaining popularity quickly. It must have between three and five percent hyperforin to work.

It has been proven to work as well as Prozac with fewer side effects. As important as it is to find a cure-it is impossible to do so if those who suffer do not seek it.

If you or someone you know suffers from depression seek medical attention immediately.

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Relationship Between Cancer of Prostate and Smoking

By Maria Mbura

More than one source indicates that smoking causes serious health problems. In men, this includes possible development of potentially fatal cases of prostate cancer.

Relationship between Smoking and Cancer

Evidence confirms that an indirect relationship between heavy smoking and different types of cancer definitely does exist. However, it is a gradual process and before cancer develops, smoking usually attacks the upper respiratory system.

In addition, a major breakdown in the body's immune system often occurs in people who have smoked heavily for years. This attack affects the body's ability to fight against sickness and disease causing further health problems.

For instance, men might experience various forms of malignancies such as prostate cancer advanced stages. This cancer may or may not have already spread to other areas of the body as well.

Risk Prostate Cancer

A total of 66% of men who smoke are at increased risk of developing various forms of cancer. This risk is highest if a man still smokes today. The lowest risk of development of a malignant condition is in those who have stopped smoking for ten years or longer.

Additional research also supports the evidence that there is a strong relationship between smoking and cancer of prostate. Men who smoke have experienced varying stages of this cancer that may have spread to other areas of the body.

The most sever cases of any type of cancer including this one occurred in men who were observed that smoked for 20 to 40 years. This study was based on men who smoked one pack a day for 40 years or two packs a day for 20 years.

Answers for Men

Of course, the best time to make changes is before health problems of any kind emerge. However, it is usually never too late for a person to quit smoking.

Even in cases in which a person does quit smoking and still is diagnosed with cancer of prostate later on chances are it can be curable. With every year that passes and one has not smoked the chance of a fatality occurring gradually diminishes.

People are learning more ways to prevent prostate cancer. They know now that one of those ways is to quit smoking.

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