Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Easy Colon Cancer Symptoms Guide

By Jenni Snook

In order to treat this disease successfully, you must be aware of the various types of colon cancer symptoms. For those who don't know what a colon is, it is an organ of the body that is about 4 feet long in size. It also has the form of a tube and is pretty muscular. You can find the colon at the conclusion of the small intestines. In fact, the colon goes all the way to the anus. Cancer in the colon can have serious consequences on the health of a human being. This article will explain what important symptoms will appear if you should ever experience problems with your colon.

What The Colon Does

While the colon performs various roles, medical experts have come to an agreement that it performs 3 main roles. They are:

1. The colon draws out all the nutrients from the food devoured, and following that it begins digesting the food fittingly.

2. It's a crucial organ when it comes to making the fecal matter that is obliterated from the body by engulfing the electrolytes from the food that come through this area.

3. Every time we eat something, the body stashes away and then eradicates fecal matter from the body and the colon has a vital role in this entire process.

How Does Colon Cancer Come About?

There are a couple of potential elements that could be involved when it comes to causing colon cancer. "Abnormal" group of cells found in the region of the glands of the big intestines are traditionally the main culprits of this cancer. It is typical to refer to these as "adenomatous polyps". These are represented as growths that normally exhibit a large side. There is only one time when their size is reduced and that's during degeneration. Colon cancer commonly occurs before reaching the age of 40. Nevertheless, you must understand that the cancer can take place independent of age. Many people also develop cancer of the large intestines when they have the susceptibility in their genes.

List of Colon Cancer Symptoms

The following is an explanation of the symptoms demonstrating the presence of colon cancer:

1. Experiencing bleeding from the rectal zone of your body is a very common symptom of colon cancer.

2. You may be surprised to find out that anemia, which refers to low iron levels in the blood, is largely related to the presence of colon cancer. People may be suffering from cancer of the intestines if their skin is pale and if they regularly experience fatigue.

3. If vomiting takes place without any known cause or if nausea is experienced regularly.

4. Many people have said that after bowel movement, feeling that have yet to "finish" could be a symptom.

5. A significant drop in weight without any obvious cause is linked to the cancer. Furthermore, many find that their abdomen swells up as they drop in weight.

The symptoms listed above are the most common symptoms related to colon cancer. If you suspect that you have some of these colon cancer symptoms, you should consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

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