Monday, January 12, 2009

Bob Greene's Best Life Diet Plan

By Matt Hellstrom

When I first saw the Bob Greene Best Life diet plan, it seemed upside down to me. You see, on my diet plan travels I always had to start out from ground zero and then work back towards normalcy which meant keeping the new slim me for the rest of my life. Then I really analyzed the Bob Greene diet and thought, hmmm....maybe I am upside down. I mean if my diets worked, why did I have to diet?

The more I thought through Bob Greene's diet, the more it started making sense. Statistics have shown that people fail in their diets because too much change too fast is a recipe for failure. So it dawned on me that if you start slowly, see success, it will foster a desire to continue to see more success. Plus when you start getting healthy, a bonus is that your attitude follows and it drives you too towards establishing a healthy lifestyle.

Bob Greene's diet philosophy is 'losing weight the right way - so you shed pounds and keep them off - takes time'. Using this thinking, this plan is set up for gradual but significant changes. Starting with simple things like having a good breakfast everyday and getting up and about, you will start seeing the changes you desire immediately. And long term, this adds up to starting and continuing a healthy, happy way of life.

Many of us are used to diets where you can easily become discouraged and stop only to feel guilty and start again. Not this one, though, because you build into healthy eating habits in such a way that it becomes a way of life. And this is really a best life diet plan because you can enjoy the comfort of food while not worrying about losing the great shape you have earned.

Bob Greene's diet is three simple to follow phases, each set up to last for about 4 weeks. Phase 1 is preparation for weight loss by implementing steps that rev up your metabolism with eating 3 regular meals and a snack and start exercising. Phase 2 starts by knocking out 6 bad foods and managing your meals based on a Hunger scale. Phase 3 is arriving at a way of life that will be simple to continue - your way. Building up to this Phase gives you the foundation you need for being healthy lifelong.

If I must pick out one area that could use some work, it would be the lack of recommendations on portion sizes. This is in the top 3 of importance in keeping the weight off. It is offset, however, by the fact that your activity level is at an all time high. This will be the great equalizer in that it keeps your metabolism working full steam.

All in all - Bob Greene's Best Life Diet is a homerun. The only way you can have a long healthy, happy life is to eat well and keep the body moving. This diet plan gives you the straightforward truth that will allow you to achieve success.

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