Wednesday, December 17, 2008


By Peter A.C. Garrison

If the U.S. Army, Harvard Medical School and MIT are in your corner, you know you're in good company. Acupuncturists and their patients must feel pretty popular lately, because those are exactly the organizations vetting them. A recent paper published in a peer-reviewed journal conducted by Harvard Med School and MIT should silence many of acupuncture's doubters: acupuncture was demonstrated to have an effect greater than placebo. So the positive medical benefits experienced by patients can't be dismissed as "in their heads" any more or the products of chance. Even the U.S. Army believes. They've recently allowed "battlefield" acupuncture to be performed for soldiers suffering from chronic and acute pain.

Acupuncture is as effective as standard drug treatments for such conditions as migraine, arthritis, gastric bleeding, ulcers, liver and kidney problems, nausea, motion sickness, vomiting, and drowsiness while having none of the unwanted side effects of over-the-counter medication. According to the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, this Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is useful as a primary therapy for acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain, including muscle spasms, sprains, and repetitive stress injuries.

The efficacy of acupuncture is by no means limited to pain management. It can also be used to deal with emotional problems such as anxiety, depression, stress as well as other physical ailments like chronic fatigue, asthma, back pain, and infertility. The esteemed World Health Organization recognizes the use of acupuncture as a treatment for common third-world disorders such as constipation and diarrhea.

Western science is slowly beginning to understand the science behind the seeming magic that often results from acupuncture. Major pieces of the puzzle, however, have been identified. When traditional acupuncture points are stimulated with fine needles during the course of an acupuncture treatment, studies have shown that the brain's natural "feel good" chemicals - opioids or endorphins - are released. These same chemicals are responsible for not only elevating mood but for relieving pain. The points that are stimulated during treatment lie along paths which are called meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

According to TCM, living organisms are a series of pathways of energy conduits or meridian channels. Diagnostic acupuncture uses these channels or meridians to detect blockages in flow, indicating blockages of energy. Vital energy, known as Qi in Chinese medicine, flows through 12 paired meridian channels, cycling throughout the body.

While many patients are apprehensive about having needles inserted into their skin, these needles are instrumental in the practice of acupuncture. And you'll be relieved to know that they are actually pretty painless. The worst you'll feel is similar to a mosquito bite, but often, you won't feel a thing when they're inserted. The insertion of these needles at the acupuncture points are what stimulate the dislodgment of "stuck" energy along the meridians. Acupressure also works in the same way but uses pressures, usually delivered manually, instead of needles.

Many potential patients wonder how often and how long they'll need to receive treatment. Like any other medical treatment, the answer lies with the patient himself. How long has the problem been experienced? What is it's severity? What is your overall level of health? If you suffer from a complex medical condition, you may need to see an acupuncturist as often as a few times a week, perhaps for months. Less severe conditions may require just a few visits, or monthly treatments to maintain balance.

Acupuncture has been recognized by the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization as a safe, natural, drug-free, and, perhaps most importantly, effective method of addressing the symptoms and root causes of many health challenges. Its use in China, Japan, and other parts of Asia for thousands of years speaks to its efficacy as well. It's a natural and powerful medicine that has been practiced for over 2,000 years. And it works.

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