Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Weight Loss Can Happen

By Patrick Glancy, BCH

It is no secret that America is over weight. Weight and weigh loss is everywhere, it is at the grocery store, in magazines, and sometimes right in your back yard as a fast food restaurant. Our society constantly obsesses over weight, food choices and exercise but even with all that, America is still obese. The simple reason for this is, losing weight is hard. People are over weight for many reasons, portion control, food choices, lack of motivation for exercise, or emotional attachments to food. Don't worry, there is help out there.

Portions are something we all struggle with. The average person doesn't know what three ounces of chicken is so we guess, often that guess is wrong. Think about this, one package of Ramen actually contains two servings. Who would think you could actually get two servings out of that little bag! Understanding and controlling your portions is vital to losing weight.

Food choices are also a contributing factor to weight gain. We would all love to eat anything we want and still be skinny but this is not possible for most. We need to decide the difference between what our body wants and what it needs. Often people have animosity toward "healthy foods". You learn negative associations with healthy food through repetition. Maybe you were told carrots would turn your hair orange so you decided you simply won't eat carrots. You learned this food is bad and not to eat it. However you learned this stigma it is considered a learned behavior.

Some people think of exercise as something else on their list of things to do. The lack of motivation can be hard to over come without help. Exercise is a great way to regain metabolism which will aid you in weight loss. It is hard to get to the gym or go for a walk when you are unmotivated. The key is to learn why you are not motivated and how to fix it so you will like to do fun things like exercise or go for a long walk.

Emotional attachments are very common in people who are over weight. Maybe you eat when you are happy, sad, stressed or as a reward. Whatever the reason, this is an attachment. If you are getting the emotional munchies, it is time to think about what triggers this, why, and determine how to fix it so you can continue losing weight. Identifying those triggers can be hard without help as they become so engrained in us after a while.

According to the American Hypnosis Clinic, 93% of people recover after six session of hypnosis for weight loss. Hypnosis allows you to be in control and choose what foods you want to eat, when you want to eat them and how much of that food you will eat. You do not have to fight against a learned behavior or craving. You will simply choose whether or not you want to eat the food or do the exercise. It will deal with emotional triggers, by identifying what the trigger is and help you to have a different reaction. Hypnosis can also help you to have new cravings such as exercise and make you want to lead a healthier, happier life. This about it, after six sessions, food will no longer rule your life.

By losing weight and exercising you will feel happier, healthier, and more energized. Losing weight should be enjoyable, fun and easy. It doesn't have to be a chore or something else on your "to do" list. You should find yourself excited about your new life and the new you. There are many weight loss plans out there, you need to decide what is right for you and your lifestyle. Your new life awaits you.

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