Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Your Kitchen- the Last Step to Healthy Eating

By Lidia Peru

Practicing healthy food preparation and storage is important for maintaining the health of our families. News stories of food contamination only helps drive home that basic fact. We hear of it all the time, with recalls of fruits and vegetables that are tainted with toxins.

It doesn't seem to matter whether that food is imported. We've all heard there are fewer controls on growing conditions and safety in other countries. No, the word gets out about the outbreak of contamination in spinach grown in California.

Studies have been conducted to review and improve the safe handling of fresh foods. There are many events in the life cycle of our foods that have the potential for dangerous contamination.

A naturally occurring danger is the overgrowth of pathogens on our foods. Given the right conditions these pathogens can create a protective shell, protecting the bacterial growth below them. These bacteria include E. coli and salmonella, to name a few.

The residue of pesticides used over the growth cycle of foods can also stay on our produce. Looks can be deceiving, and while that fruit make look pretty and healthy it can contain a layer of pesticide residue on its skin.

Mycotoxin is a toxin in the fungus family. Due to their microscopically small spores,fungi are found nearly everywhere in small quantities. They feed off organic matter when the conditions are right. In too great a quantity mycotoxin poisoning can take place. This overdose can come through direct consumption or by feeding contaminated feed to livestock.

Is there anything the consumer can do to improve the qualities of their food prior to consumption? One tool I have found is to use a low cost naturally occurring chemical process that occurs when I mix miracle mineral solution, or MMS, with a food based activator, like lemon juice. The chemical reaction is to produce chlorine dioxide, an important chemical that is also produced in our bodies. Chlorine dioxide has been recognized as a water purifier for over 70 years.

You can mix a small quantity of MMS and place it in a sprayer bottle with water. Spray it on your food and it will target the pathogens on your produce. Foods can also be soaked in a solution, adding an additional cleansing to assure that your foods are as clean as possible. When the chlorine dioxide is done it changes to salts and water. Using chlorine dioxide, as a last-step in food prep is simple, safe and effective.

Miracle mineral solution is a powerful tool for your home and wellness. It takes only pennies to mix a solution of chlorine dioxide, and when we spray or soak our produce prior to consumption we take charge of our own health and nutrition.

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