Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mangosteen Juice: Is it Effective as an Antioxidant?

By Julieanne van Zyl

Is Mangosteen Juice an effective Antioxidant? With the greatly increasing quest for healthy nutrition supplements, it has become a main priority to find the best available information out there. The benefits of taking both raw and processed goods has become recently emphasized as well as their antioxidant qualities.

In the process of carrying out our daily activities, we produce what is known as free radicals. These free radicals are extremely dangerous to the body when they are left in the body for too long. They are readily produced by the normal cell metabolism and other external factors like smoke, stress and exercise. Mangosteen Juice is one of these effective antioxidants.

One of these effective antioxidants is the Mangosteen Juice. Recently scientists in the west discovered the mangosteen's viral properties and it's nutritional value, and before that the benefits were not well known. Mangosteen juice is reported to be the only fruit containing approximately 40 xanthones out of the known two hundred xanthones. Therefore, if you are looking to neutralize free radicals in the body and combat inflammation, Mangosteen juice will ensure that the free radicals are indeed reduced.

At times people are scared of the costs of mangosteen, but with all its other benefits Mangosteen Juice such as improving energy levels, helping to increase skin tone and as well as being an antidepressant Mangosteen juice is hard to go past regardless of its price.

Mangosteen Juice: What are the Health benefits of Taking It?

Along with food and nutrition, Mangosteen juice is also becoming the forefront of global discussions these days. From Australia to Singapore to Amsterdam to New York, headlines all over the globe are talking about the healthy benefits of eating fruits. There are few newspapers without a section for healthy living and nutrition.

All this discussion is because of the increased awareness all over the world, of the benefits of vegetables and fruit. These days with our kind of technology all these fruits we need for nutrition now come in juice forms. While there are many fruits with lots of health benefits, one fruit has been receiving a lot of rave reviews and media coverage recently.

This fruit juice is the Mangosteen juice. Out of the more than two hundred xanthones available out there, Mangosteen boasts a huge twenty percent, thus giving a mangosteen juice supplement the status of one of the best supplements that anyone can ever have. The benefits of Mangosteen juice should be enough to convince anyone who has disputes about it to give it a try. Following are some of the health benefits of drinking Mangosteen juice:

1. It assists in reducing depression by stimulating the brain to release endorphins into the bloodstream.

2. It has been shown in research there is a statistically significant increase in the immune function of those drinking it.

3. Asthma patients are advised to drink mangosteen juice because the xanthones available in it reduces the inflammation in the lungs.

4. It helps reduce stomach upsets and is recommended for people suffering from frequent constipation.

5. It helps relieve hypertension and heart related problems.

6. Mangosteen has been shown to boost energy levels. People who have taken it first thing in the morning or after a glass of water have reported an increased energy level after taking it.

We have provided some of the benefits of Mangosteen Juice in this article, and also shown why it is a powerful antioxidant.

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