Sunday, December 14, 2008

Stage 4 Cancer: Understanding Breast Cancer

By Jenni Snook

One of the cancers that frequently affects women is breast cancer. You might be thinking that this risk is very minimal, however, it's better to recognise it than ignore it. There is no doubting this fact when it comes to women. You will discover in this article, what breast cancer really is as well the necessary symptoms that it is associated with.

Breast cancer is essentially a type of abnormal growth that takes place in the breasts of a person. In women, the breasts go through changes each month due to the natural menstrual cycle. During a breast examination, a lump or knot may be felt in the breasts. Many of these may not be dangerous, nevertheless there exists the potential that they may be cancerous. If one of these balls is found to be cancerous, that it could mestastisize to other parts of the body. This simply means that it could disperse. There are 2 ways in which breast cells go to other parts of the body: the bloodstream and the lymphatic system. This spread has been known to be slow in some cases, while in others, it has been known to be quick.

Medical professionals have stated time and time again that in the early stages of this type of cancer, there may be absolutely no symptoms at all. Hence, the symptoms only start to become more obvious, once the cancer begins to advance. Below, I outline the most important symptoms that you will be able to detect if you indeed possess cancers in your one or both breasts:

1. An individual may start to notice that there is pain in the breast. This is often accompanied by the sensation of tenderness as well.

2. Your breasts may start discharging some liquid which may be colourless, slightly yellow or even look like blood.

3. A change in breast size may indicate cancer, but there may also be other changes relating to the texture. Another indication is if a breast is very warm to touch.

4. Other signs of breast cancer are swelling in the breast or in the lymph node that is located under your arm.

5. Many start feeling itchy,burning and even physical ulcerations on the skin of the breasts

Contrary to popular belief, there are many types of breast cancer. In addition, there are several indicators that demonstrate that you may have breast cancer. It is important that you learn exactly how to do a breast examination, and that you do it on a regular basis. Once to twice a month is typically appropriate. If, by chance, you detect any one of the symptoms listed in this article, then it is important that you get in touch with your doctor for an examination as soon as possible.

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